
Theological Theodicy is unavailable, but you can change that!

The question of God’s relationship to evil is a long-running one in the history of Christianity, and the term often deployed for this task has been theodicy. The way theodicy has historically been pursued, however, has been problematic on a number of counts. Most significantly, these efforts have generally been insufficiently theological. This work hopes to subvert and reconfigure the theodical...

of theodicy demonstrates the characteristics of an account of reason operative in a given context. Stated differently, theodicy, given its identity as an intellectual pursuit, has a history; it is pursued by somebody somewhere, and those particularities matter for what ensues. The modern thinker who coined the term “theodicy” in 1710 is Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Given his location (both chronological and philosophical), Leibniz stood between the medieval endeavoring on this topic and what would
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